• info@jfact.org
  • (860) 727-5767

Action Alert: School Security Grant Program

Security continues to be a top priority in the Jewish community, as well as other faith communities.  That is why we need to voice our community’s request for an additional $10 million in funding for the School Security Grant Program.  Over the years, millions of dollars have been distributed to Jewish Day Schools and Jewish Community Centers across the state, but more is needed.  Our day care institutions, particularly those inside of a synagogue, need additional dollars to increase their security.

Please call your legislator today and ask for their support for $10 million for the School Security Grant Program.


Michael Bloom, JFACT Executive Director                                                                          

Sydney Perry, JFACT President

Please vote: https://jfact.salsalabs.org/SecurityBondingAlert/index.html