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Jewish Federation Association of Connecticut applauds Bipartisan statement on use of Holocaust imagery

In a joint statement, House Speaker Matt Ritter, House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora, Senate President Martin Looney and Senate Minority Leader Kevin Kelly said: 

Leaders of all four caucuses of the Connecticut General Assembly condemn the recent rise and use of Holocaust imagery and analogies, along with references to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime in community and political discussions, including current mask/vaccine mandates. Such linkage trivializes the extent of crimes against humanity, diminishes the suffering of survivors, and offends those who understand the profound evil Hitler and the Nazis represented. There is simply no comparison between contemporary political issues and the actions of Hitler and his accomplices who were responsible for the murders of over 6 million Jews and millions of other victims. Our caucuses stand strong against these references becoming normalized in our politics and our communities. 

Michael Bloom, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation Association of Connecticut (JFACT), is thankful we live in a state where our elected officials will not allow the use of Holocaust imagery and comparisons to be normalized. 

JFACT lobbies city, state, and federal officials on issues of importance to the seven Jewish Federations, as well as their beneficiary service agencies, across Connecticut