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House Bill 5433, Kosher Question Answered

HenryHenry Zachs (pictured at right) testified before the General Law committee on House Bill 5433.  The committee is co-chaired by Rep. David Baram and Senator Carlo Leone.  The bill is designed to have Kosher establishments cite that they sell Kosher food, as well as signage if they also sell non-Kosher food.  Henry urged the committee to understand that members of the Jewish community who keep Kosher know what specific labels to look for and such signage would cause a problem to the consumers.

After deliberations, the committee decided it was appropriate to allow the Jewish community, through its stores, camps and nursing homes, etc., to police itself in regards to the laws of Kashrut.  Therefore, the bill will not have any language involving the State in determining what is and what is not Kosher.

Chairman Baram responded to Henry when asked if Muslim Halal stores have signage that initially a Muslim organization came to him requesting the state assist with enforcement but then the idea was dropped.