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  • (860) 727-5767

An Evening of Hope: The results are in. Lots of Good was Given.

VoicesofHope_Color-LogoVoices of Hope, a program of JFACT Fund, was created by descendants of Holocaust survivors from across Connecticut. Voices of Hope members honor their family’s legacy by keeping their stories alive for future generations. The Evening of Hope fundraiser raised money to suppor the mission of VOices of Hope, which is to foster a culture of courage against hate, bigotry, indifference and inhumanity. We cannot change the past, we can only hope these stories and life lessons will positively affect the future.

 Thanks to the 140 attendees at this year’s Evening of Hope, we will have impact and we will not forget!

Mazel Tov and thank you to Stu Abrams, Marji Lipshez Shapiro, and Melissa Torrente, our 2016 Simon Konover Recognition for Excellence in Holocaust Teaching honorees. We were honored to have Simon’s daughter Jane Coppa at the event.

We held our first Give for Good fundraising auction and watched as Brad Drazen wooed the crowd and pledge cards rapidly rose. Tears welled in our eyes while the many many participants smiled and gave with their hearts. In fact, 64% of the room raised to Give for Good!!!!!! WOW!

This year’s Give for Good raised money to support Voices of Hope’s community Holocaust programming, the Museum of Jewish Heritage trip for inner-city students, Second Generation training with Speak Up Storytelling, middle and high school Holocaust education, and the Survivor Interview Project in partnership with the Jewish Historical Society.

Click this link to GIVE FOR GOOD!

Visit www.ctvoicesofhope.org to see photos from the event, view the online program and ad book, and to learn more about our organization.