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Dr. Mehnaz Afridi,a Muslim Professor from Manhattan College in NYC, visited the UHA and UCONN campuses on March 3, 2016

downloadOn March 3, 2016, Dr. Mehnaz Afridi gave two community lectures, first at the West Hartford campus of UCONN and then in the evening at University of Hartford. Dr. Afridi is an assistant professor of religion at Manhattan College, she teaches courses about both Islam and the Holocaust, and she is director of the college’s Holocaust, Genocide and Interfaith Education Center. She is the author of “Shoah Through Muslim Eyes.” Dr. Afridi is a member of the ethics and religion committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

Event sponsors: JFACT, JCRC, UCONN Global Affairs, UCONN School of Social Work, UHA Greenberg Center

Photos from the events are below: