• info@jfact.org
  • (860) 727-5767



JFACT has had a very productive 2018 so far. Not only were we successful in legislative initiatives, including our long-sought mandate for Holocaust and Genocide Education, but we have also sponsored, or co-sponsored, many events to advance our initiatives. Some of these have been in conjunction with local Jewish Federations, including events at the State Capitol which highlighted Connecticut’s strong relationship with Israel and educated both members of our community and those in positions of influence in the larger community.

The work of our community doesn’t end with government initiatives, that is where much of the work begins. We now shift our focus to education and community outreach.

Particular areas of focus will include:

1. Helping to implement the new mandated Holocaust and Genocide Education for Connecticut’s schools.

2. Helping our community institutions in obtaining some of the $10,000,000 available to increase security for JCCs and Jewish private schools.

3. Increasing understanding of availability of for money for refugee resettlement service.

4. Helping our communities understand and benefit from the new legislation which many sought which reduces the number of years that assessments on a burial plot must remain unpaid before a cemetery association may sell the unused portion of such plot.

These follow on some of our successful education and outreach programs in the first half of the year, including:

1. Sponsored four legislative breakfasts with local Jewish Federations to build and strengthen relationships between federations and state legislators.

2. Sponsored United States Senator Richard Blumenthal speaking to 3 Jewish Federations.

JFACT is deeply grateful for your past support. We hope you will confirm your contribution or perhaps consider increasing it. Of course any gift you make is appreciated.
