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Rachel Rosenberg, Former JFACT Intern, is honored at the 2015 Blue Card Annual Benefit Gala

rachel1Rachel Rosenberg was honored at the 2015 Blue Card Annual Benefit Gala on Monday, November 16, 2015, at the New York City Library. Rachel was an intern for Jewish Federation Association of Connecticut (JFACT) while in college at the University of Hartford  in 2013, and also upon graduation. Anna Huttner, from JFACT, attended the Gala and expressed how pleased and proud the community is with Rachel’s accomplishments.

Rachel’s commitment and involvement to The Blue Card began when she was an AmeriCorp VISTA Community Liaison this past year, working closely to increase capacity to support Holocaust survivors in New York. Currently Rachel is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Social Work at Columbia University. Rachel was introduced at the Gala by Lucy DeVito, daughter of Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman. Rachel is pictured below with Lucy DeVito and Rita Cosby

The Blue Card was established by the Jewish community in Germany in 1934, rachelto help Jews already being affected by Nazi restrictions through loss of jobs, forcibly closed businesses and other forms of oppression.In 1939, The Blue Card was reestablished in the United States to continue aiding refugees of Nazi persecution resettling in America.

After the Holocaust, the mission of the organization was expanded to help survivors of the Shoah from all European countries. The Blue Card continues its work in the United States to this day